Game Discussion > Bug Reports

[Closed] Money and item

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at around 6:17 pm my area, i was selling stuff to coren, and i put 9 EN water, but too it out, and i had put in a total of 30. WUT? also, i was selling other items, and Coren stole them! help me please? 9/1/2011

hey, i sold other items, and wut back to 24 something gold?


I'm honestly not quite sure what you are trying to tell me. You put 9 EN water, but too it out? took it out? And you had put in a total of 30? 30 of what? did you put 9 enchanted water in, took them out again, put 30 in?

Here's the exact log of what you've sold for how much in that deal:

--- Quote ---Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 11 Rotting Claw(146) to NPC (10) for 33 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 17 Green Herb(37) to NPC (10) for 17 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 10 Lump of Earth(283) to NPC (10) for 20 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 22 Bug Feelers(25) to NPC (10) for 22 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 2 Small Silver Coin(87) to NPC (10) for 16 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 1 Small Healing Potion(51) to NPC (10) for 8 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:20    purchase    Sold 7 Flimsy Wing(236) to NPC (10) for 28 silver.

Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 3 Rosemary(20) to NPC (10) for 3 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 5 Cracked Lizard Scale(276) to NPC (10) for 25 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 1 Enchanted Earth(284) to NPC (10) for 3 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 1 Golden Coronet(285) to NPC (10) for 106 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 1 Healing Potion(149) to NPC (10) for 19 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 5 Enchanted Wind(384) to NPC (10) for 30 silver.
Sep 1 2011, 23:15    purchase    Sold 40 Large Coral Needle(278) to NPC (10) for 240 silver.
--- End quote ---

Items don't simply disappear - however the Flash client and the server keep track of the totals separately. It can happen (though it shouldn't) that the client ends up "forgetting" about some items (thinking they're still in the shop window, and not displaying them in your inventory therefore) - however the server still knows they're there, and relogging will fix the issue. If that's what you're describing, it'd help knowing exactly what steps you performed to make items disappear. Try to reproduce the issue - don't worry, you are not really losing items that disappear, and logging out and in again will always fix it.

thanks. and what i meant is that i gave in 9 EN waters, then took the waters out. and woah, more waters? nine again, i check howmany are left, and twelve enchanted waters are left. i took them all out. and that's when the bug started. ohwell, thanks for clearing it up. (i think)

I don't think you quite understood what I asked you to do.

Can you try *reproducing* the bug and give me a step-to-step list what you did to make the items disappear in your inventory?

I cannot reproduce your bug with the information at hand (and will dismiss the report if I don't get additional information): Dragged 5 of 8 of my glittering emeralds into the shop window, dragged them out into my inventory again, all show up in my inventory again. Dragged all 8 of 8 of my glittering emeralds into the shop window, dragged them out into my inventory again, all show up in my inventory again.

Please read if you are unsure how to report bugs in general.


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