Ashaya Post

Game Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: toby on October 15, 2011, 09:02:51 pm

Title: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on October 15, 2011, 09:02:51 pm
What is the map editor?

The map editor allows you to create your own maps, that you (and your friends) can roam around in. It is fully functional, and the same tool I have been using to create every map in the game - if you can't achieve some particular effect you've seen in game, it's not the map editor's fault. The shortcuts here are not bugged. I am using them on a daily basis and then some. If something doesn't work, you are either hitting the wrong key, or you have another program focused, or you didn't read the manual properly. I cannot help you with that. I know the map editor works.

Can anyone see my maps?

No, maps that you create are private, and only yourself and players that you have given an invitation code can enter it.
If a map is particularly well done, I may ask you for permission to add it as an official map. In that case I would make a copy, credit you and after that everyone can see your map.

If you need examples for well done player-made maps, ask Birk, Dawn, Lone (alphabetically, no preference implied), or, while in-game, go to Radium's Den where you fight the Venomous Slimespitters for the Grimoire of Elements: Earth scroll.

What are the requirements for using the map editor?

You need to have a valid account, and I need to enable it for map editing. In addition, your account must be in good standing.
Accounts may have different access levels. I prefer not disclosing my entire graphic library to just about anyone who asks. Instead, unless I know that you "mean it" and didn't just ask for the map editor because you're "board", I will give minimal access initially. To prove that you "mean it", you make a working and aesthetically pleasing map. Please do not ask for your access level to be elevated, if you do, I will instead withdraw your access for not reading this manual.

If you enable my account for map editing, does that mean I am staff?

No. Being able to use the map editor does not give you any additional privileges in the game. Please do not claim you have them, or that you are staff - people have done that before and it will be seen as staff impersonation, which is against the Terms of Service.

How does the map editor work?

You can access the map editor at . After it loaded it'll show you two main sections: the left part is where all your tools are, the right one is the map itself. You can drag the map around, or use the arrows to move around. You can also click the preview in the bottom left to move around.


Note: It is recommended to become accustomed with the map editor first, before starting an actual map. Go through the list below, and try doing what it explains - just to get a feeling about how things work.

Adding Graphics

To add graphics to your map, click "Browse" on the top left. This will open the graphic library. The graphic library is grouped into "Themes" - use the dropdown boxes in the bottom of that window to look at any other theme you may have access to. To select a graphic, click it, and then click "OK". Notice that:

Before you place an item into the map, you can use these keyboard shortcuts. They will only work before you place the item on the map.

Press "M" to mirror the item horizontally.
Press the "+" key on your number pad to make it bigger (I do not recommended making it bigger than its original size, because it will look horrible).
Press the "-" key on your number pad to make it smaller.
Press the "*" key on your number pad to reset the size.
Sizing information is remembered between placements (so you can place a lot of items into the map at the same size), mirroring isn't (so you have to mirror each item again if you want to mirror them all).

Selecting Graphics

After you placed a graphic into the map, you can select it to reposition or delete it. To do that, click on the white arrow on the left first. Then, click on the graphic in the map that you want to select.

If more the position you clicked has more than one graphic, you will see a popup menu, asking you to pick the graphic you want to select - similar to how it works in game. Single click each individual list item to highlight the corresponding graphic in the map. Once you find the correct graphic, double click that list item.

The selected graphic item will be highlighted and start glowing. At this point you can reposition or delete it, using keyboard shortcuts:


To reposition an item you selected, use the arrow keys (up down left right) for pixel-precise placement.
Press "Page Up" to bring the graphic forward (so that it overlaps other graphics) or "Page Down" to push the graphic backwards (so that other graphics overlap it). To test this, place two or more items over each other.
Press "Home" to bring it all the way to the front (it'll overlap any other graphic) and "End" to push it all the way to the back.


Press your "Delete" key to delete the selected item.


You may have noticed the "Layers" in the bottom right. These are NOT for basic layering (such as "this flower needs to overlap that other flower" kind of things) - for that you should select the graphic use Page Up / Down instead, as explained above. The layers at the bottom right have a special meaning to them, so if the bottom right does not read "Background Layer" for basic map editing, you're very likely doing something wrong.

The three special layers you will see are:

These were the layout basic. Now, for a few important caveats:

Platforming and similar some other time. :3
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: KitsonHeart on October 15, 2011, 09:29:00 pm
Isn't it "Enchanted Earth" Not earth enchanted?
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on October 15, 2011, 10:32:50 pm
Well, yes - but the recipe, you get from him. ;P
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: KitsonHeart on October 15, 2011, 10:59:57 pm
i know, but i mean, isn't it called Grimoire of enchanted earth or something? the recipe itself.
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on October 16, 2011, 11:33:57 am
Alright, changed it :3
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Beta on October 31, 2011, 01:35:33 pm
Hey Toby, I'm usually on an apple that doesn't have a full, standard keyboard, so my backspace button doesn't work to delete items, do you think you could fix it somehow?
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on November 01, 2011, 07:07:31 pm
Alright, I'll check into that. Thanks ;P

What other keys are you missing?

Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Beta on November 01, 2011, 09:44:51 pm
I'm not sure, I'll let you know.

I figured out (after searching through Google) that fn+backspace on apple computers work as a delete key ^-^
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Arty on November 02, 2011, 11:42:02 pm
Hey Toby, could you make a way to flip objects vertically?
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on November 03, 2011, 07:40:46 pm
Press 'V'.
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Arty on November 08, 2011, 07:37:04 am
okay, thanks ^-^
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Berry on November 12, 2011, 04:34:53 am
ohhh so thats how people make those maps!  I always wondered how people made them and i thought it was some software you hade to buy.   Oh thats cool and I can now say i learned something new today =^-^=
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on November 12, 2011, 06:26:43 pm
Nope, it's - like the game itself - completely free if you want to give it a shot. XD

Maps you made are immediately accessible, and you can invite other players into your map as well. By choosing who to share the code with, you can also pick who may enter your map and who may not.

Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Berry on November 13, 2011, 03:23:15 am
 melas would be really violent.... And is it where it says create when u push logout switch characters but its locked and says u need to ask a high mage or something?

Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on November 13, 2011, 12:38:07 pm
Initially the map editor was planned to be accessible after completing certain in-game quests, but I've scratched that idea.

All you need to do is read this initial post. It contains a link, and also tells you who you need to ask. :3 Without reading this post, you will not be able to understand it anyway, because a lot of what you need to pay attention to isn't explained anywhere else.
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: Berry on November 13, 2011, 05:56:51 pm
Ah ok
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: neeki on December 11, 2011, 07:05:11 pm
uuuuh toby i went to the venoms wolf house but i cant get the earth scroll how do i get at D:
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: toby on December 12, 2011, 12:16:08 am

Youuu need to complete the quest that he has for you? ;P
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: neeki on December 13, 2011, 09:36:49 pm
the one wit those blobs n getting that green stuff DID ET
Title: Re: Quick Manual for the Map Editor
Post by: eleng555 on January 06, 2012, 01:43:51 am
can you like...delete maps? I want to start over..I dunno why but since I saved and loaded it everything is like zoomed in and off-center :P -new and still experimenting- the map is called Crystal Mansion. Also, I tried the background-the sky is aligned off to the left and doesn't go all the way across the gridded area-will the sky show up if I try walking in my map on the game?