Forum - Quick Guide for New Players: How to be...

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Author Topic: Quick Guide for New Players: How to be...  (Read 17460 times)


  • Lint
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« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2016, 03:39:13 am »
Can anyone.

Create a topic about loots on dungeons? I really need to learn about those kinds of things and I don't want to complete a dungeon, only to get pointless rewards.


Ayyyy Ryena.

(Grabs potatoes)



  • Bluebell
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« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2016, 03:07:27 pm »
Every  dungeon is important either for experience or quests. If you want to look what loot you get from a dungeon you can easily do it yourself on the item database. While this gives you an idea of what you can get its random drops so you may have to run the dungeon a few times to get what you actually want.


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2016, 10:54:03 am »
Spam all the dungeons!
no really... they are all fun and gives useful things.
so as a beginner you should try and make up groups to do hollow three or what it was called.. been an while :c


  • Lint
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« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2016, 12:35:09 pm »
Alright, (Goes back to relentless spamming of "HT ANYONE!?" On the guild chat and main chat)

I've noticed that alot of Priests panic during a battle and use SoL (Surge of Light) on a Tank with a yellow Health Bar when they could've just used Revitalize and Heal. And the fact that a few Priests generate unintentional hate by casting unnecessary poison/petal rain spells on a certain monster when they could've just leaved it alone and conserved their mana for healing.


Thats why its nerve-wracking to be a tank. You never know when a healer screws the healing game.

Insert lenny face here O3O


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2016, 07:21:31 am »
I've noticed that alot of Priests panic during a battle and use SoL (Surge of Light) on a Tank with a yellow Health Bar when they could've just used Revitalize and Heal. And the fact that a few Priests generate unintentional hate by casting unnecessary poison/petal rain spells on a certain monster when they could've just leaved it alone and conserved their mana for healing.


That's why its nerve-wracking to be a tank. You never know when a healer screws the healing game.

Without proper guidance as a first time healer i guess that is unavoidable.
So as a healer remember that on a raid boss you need to think conservative as your mp will run out. some battles take longer then others as well making it even more important to conserve mp because as soon as you run out of mp the raid is over.
also remember to keep an eye on your self as well as some bosses send out skills that do major damage to the other players and not just the tank.
take Noxxara (HT boss) as an example it summons poison patches on the ground, make sure to move out of these.

you rarely need to use any skills apart from revit and heal. sometimes the emerald shield can be useful, like when two players are heavy damaged at the same time, put EM on the damage dealer and heal the tank first.
the rest is experience i guess. 


  • Lint
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« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2016, 10:17:49 am »
Without proper guidance as a first time healer i guess that is unavoidable.
So as a healer remember that on a raid boss you need to think conservative as your mp will run out. some battles take longer then others as well making it even more important to conserve mp because as soon as you run out of mp the raid is over.
also remember to keep an eye on your self as well as some bosses send out skills that do major damage to the other players and not just the tank.
take Noxxara (HT boss) as an example it summons poison patches on the ground, make sure to move out of these.

you rarely need to use any skills apart from revit and heal. sometimes the emerald shield can be useful, like when two players are heavy damaged at the same time, put EM on the damage dealer and heal the tank first.
the rest is experience i guess. 

The Poison Dust was quite easy to notice since the Magic Spell thingy on the floor was an entire giveaway. But what I hate about it is that when for example..

x: Corrosive Bile   y: Poison Dust    A: Healer    B: Me     C: Rest of groupmates

     A     X    Y    B     (Noxxara)     C

The healer can't heal me and sometimes, the Poison Dust still catches me.

There was a time in the Snowpit when I was tanking as priest (Ironic, isn't it? I have a bunch of Tank equip since I always ge tthem from Dungeons XD) And asked the 2 other priests to revit or heal me. I was doing a quest for them, allowing them to petal rain the monster as a finishing move. They keep spamming Revitalize on me when they just casted a Revit on me because I received damage..Or the fact that they use SoL on undead when they could've just used Petal Rain

_         _


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2016, 06:19:06 am »
There was a time in the Snowpit when I was tanking as priest (Ironic, isn't it? I have a bunch of Tank equip since I always ge tthem from Dungeons XD) And asked the 2 other priests to revit or heal me. I was doing a quest for them, allowing them to petal rain the monster as a finishing move. They keep spamming Revitalize on me when they just casted a Revit on me because I received damage..Or the fact that they use SoL on undead when they could've just used Petal Rain

_         _

In a way they did exactly as you told them to. you asked them to revit or heal you. i'm guessing they only have revit and by that they just spammed it as by order. useless, yes.
an inept guide for all classes would help somewhat for those who want to learn so props tho the author if this tread.
all tho i got to add that changing to tank gear is rather useless as a priest. your own revit should be enough with the priest gears on, especially for the normal mobs in snowpit. press and hold shift to self target to cast revit from time to time and you are set. as the damage with tank gears would suck xD

Bottom line is that new players need proper guidance. some might be new to this kind of games and having trouble learning the basics. tho by all means some decide to be trolls, sadly.


  • Lint
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« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2017, 05:40:47 pm »
Just a quick question about the mage: What should I put stat points in?


  • Bizz
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« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2017, 09:25:07 pm »
Here's some helpful links for stats:,848.msg4700.html#msg4700


  • Lint
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« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2017, 03:36:48 pm »
I was just mixing in hunter, because for me, man are hunter skills hard!
First, I thought you needed traps for the usefulness, and after you get the skills on the left.
But now this helped me and I can be a helpful hunter :D!


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2017, 04:30:24 am »
Thanks everyone who help made this topic. It really helped me!


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2018, 05:43:08 am »
I'll admit, the guide is really helpful and straightforward. But, sorry Dan if I'm making your thread look a bit less detailed than what I pretty much wrote up, but here's a skill planner, added with all sorts of detailed information per class. It's not as amazing as I hoped for because it still lacks the ability to warn you if you are not at the right level for that skill, but yeah.