Forum - TvT Team Log: July 31

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Author Topic: TvT Team Log: July 31  (Read 4842 times)


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« on: July 31, 2011, 10:42:15 pm »
I'll add logging and whatnot where it's necessary and post the logs in these threads. Basically, these include the reasoning of why the server assigned players to what team. If you see any errors or have better ideas (specific things like "never put name X with name Y" don't help - I want to keep it generic), or want me to add further info to the logs, let me know.

Teams were 5 (Won) vs 6.

Code: [Select]
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Player           | Rating | Team | Team Rating (Percentiles: 0 <= 2 <= 9)
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Tobias           | 2      | 12   | 1
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Bramble          | 2      | 11   | 1
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Caydence         | 9      | 12   | 2
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Dawnrise         | 9      | 11   | 2
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: rhyfe2002        | 12     | 12   | 3
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Team   | Players | Rating | WA | PH | PD | MA
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Team 0 | 3       | 6      | 1  | 1  | 0  | 1
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 battleground -     -     -                Group 1: Team 1 | 2       | 3      | 0  | 1  | 0  | 1

31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   559   -    Assigning player Tobias (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   559   -     - Team 0 has no players yet.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   559   -     - - Assigned to team 0.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1246  -    Assigning player Bramble (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1246  -     - Team 1 has no players yet.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1246  -     - - Assigned to team 1.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   831   -   Assigning player Caydence (rating 2) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   831   -    - At least one team has no Warriors.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   831   -    - - Assigned to team 0 with the lowest rating (rating: 0, delta: 0).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1448  -   Assigning player Dawnrise (rating 2) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1448  -    - Team 1 only has 0 Priests, but with a class delta of only 1 and a player delta of 1, so we consider other factors over pure class count.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1448  -    - At least one team has no Priests.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   1448  -    - - Assigned to team 1 with the lowest rating (rating: 1, delta: 2).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   155   -      Assigning player rhyfe2002 (rating 3) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   155   -       - Team 0 only has 0 Magicians, but with a class delta of only 1 and a player delta of 0, so we consider other factors over pure class count.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   155   -       - At least one team has no Magicians.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:30 bg_assign low   155   -       - - Assigned to team 0 with the lowest rating (rating: 0, delta: 0).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:31 bg_assign low   913   -   Assigning player Kamemeo (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:31 bg_assign low   913   -    - Team 1 only has 0 Warriors, but with a class delta of only 1 and a player delta of 1, so we consider other factors over pure class count.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:31 bg_assign low   913   -    - At least one team has no Warriors.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:31 bg_assign low   913   -    - - Assigned to team 1 with the lowest rating (rating: 1, delta: 3).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1939  -   Assigning player Leopardspring (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1939  -    - 2 teams have 1 Priest - checking if anyone needs a damage priest.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1939  -    - 2 teams have 0 Priests of that spec.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1939  -    - - Assigned to team 1 with the lowest rating (rating: 1, delta: 2).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1761  -   Assigning player NettleStorm (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1761  -    - 2 teams have 1 Warrior.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1761  -    - - Assigned to team 1 with the lowest rating (rating: 1, delta: 1).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1720  -   Assigning player Stormypelt (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1720  -    - Team 0 only has 1 Warrior, but with a class delta of only 1 and a player delta of 2, so we consider other factors over pure class count.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1720  -    - 1 teams have 1 Warrior.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:32 bg_assign low   1720  -    - - Assigned to team 0 with the lowest rating (rating: 0, delta: 0).
31.Jul.2011 22:00:50 bg_assign low   1141  -    Assigning player Daymare (rating 3) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:00:50 bg_assign low   1141  -     - 2 teams have 1 Magician.
31.Jul.2011 22:00:50 bg_assign low   1141  -     - - Assigned to team 1 with the lowest rating (rating: 1, delta: 1).
31.Jul.2011 22:02:55 bg_assign low   1242  -  Assigning player Fluffeh (rating 1) to battle group 1:
31.Jul.2011 22:02:55 bg_assign low   1242  -   - 2 teams have 2 Warriors.
31.Jul.2011 22:02:55 bg_assign low   1242  -   - - Assigned to team 0 with the lowest rating (rating: 0, delta: 2).
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 12:32:56 am by toby »


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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 06:21:16 pm »
Haha, I did more damage then you Toby xD

Yes, but but .. look at my healing!! *points*
Ever wondered why so few of the other guys died? Here's why!


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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 11:17:00 pm »
*giggles* Thanks XD