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An instance is essentially a copy of a map. It contains the same kind of monsters and NPCs as the original map, however apart from that, it is completely separate. Instances can be created for two main reasons, which affects how much influence you have on the instance.

Crowded maps

When you enter a map with a lot of players already on it, a new instance will be created for you. You can tell that you are on a separate instance by looking at the map name on the top right of your screen, which will have a number appended to it, which indicates what instance you are on. For example, if you enter Saliko Village, and the map name reads "Saliko Village 2", you are on instance #2. Instance #1 does not have a number next to it.

Usually, when you are in a group, you will enter the same instance - so grouping up with friends is a great way to stay together, even in crowded maps. You can also switch to the other instances manually, by clicking the map name on the top right of your screen. This will show you a list of all other instances, together with how many adventurers each instance currently has. Clicking on one instance will switch you to it.


  • Since both instances are separate, monsters may be on a different location in the new instance. Be careful that you do not end up in a pack of hostile monsters!
  • You cannot switch instances during or shortly after combat.
  • Once you switched instances, there is a short delay before you can switch instances again. Note that this delay may be longer outside villages.


Dungeons are always instanced: when you enter a dungeon, a copy of that dungeon is created just for you and your group. That way, everyone gets their own monsters, and their own boss.

You cannot switch between instances inside dungeons (you will not be able to click the map name on the top right), since the instance you go to depends on the group you are in.