Forum - -Farming Area-

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Author Topic: -Farming Area-  (Read 3110 times)


  • Lint
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  • Posts: 49
  • Justice is to hearts what strength is to body.
« on: September 21, 2016, 01:56:38 am »
So I won't be continuing the other topic for a few more days, but here's something I'll type now :)
Toy Factory
This place, have 3 maps:
The Attic
Toy Factory (main)
Basement (It's called something else, but that's what I call it)

And each map will have a free-for-all boss in it,
Angeldew - Attic or main map
Rudolf - Attic
Devildew - Basement

Angeldew is neutral, though both Rudolf and Devildew are hostile.

Here, there will be Christmas/Factory-themed monsters like jesters (neutral) and tin gunmen (hostile). Those are the ones in the main map, while in the attic and basement have additional spirit mobs. The jesters are no major problem, with the right skills and strategy, you might actually beat them off.
I will post the combat manual later.


  • Lint
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  • Posts: 49
  • Justice is to hearts what strength is to body.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2017, 04:25:34 am »
Aww. I kinda hate this post now.
I was so busy with school and exams that I forgot it. xP

Buuuut, anyway- here's the manual/how-to-beat-them tips, (But here I'm only putting up for Mages and Priests for now.)
Since I'm mostly on Priest, I know a few tricks :D
Here's one that works for me, that is using Petal Rain and Poison, with Leeching Poison as a mana regeneration skill. This is a way I use to beat up the gunmens and jesters;

Green Jester - Use poison on them and wait, unless you want to kill them ASAP. If you do, then repeatedly use petal rain on them or both poison and petals. (Their Element is Earth, so Poison works well)
Red Jester - Poison does low damage on them, (Element of Red Jester is Fire) so use Petal Rain repeatedly (The skill element is Wind)
Gunmen - For me, both poison and petal rain works. I usually poison them first then go on killing other jesters. Sometimes they might not go dead yet, so just use petals to kill them.

Okay... *checks spelling*
Well, I will continue in some hours since I'm writing this at school... the internet is so slow :< Well, hope this helped for time being!

History class awaits....


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2017, 04:32:43 am »
When I am a higher level I may farm there.


  • Baby Bluebell
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« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2017, 08:00:20 pm »
Thanks :)


  • Lint
  • ***
  • Posts: 49
  • Justice is to hearts what strength is to body.
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2017, 01:42:08 pm »
When I am a higher level I may farm there.

[Recommended: Level 28+.]

Mage Tactics!
So I quietly observed a few mages that are farming in the factory... (Such as Crane.)
Thanks Crane!

Water spells (or Ice) works perfectly against the jesters, but works less on the gunmen. [Specificly, -12%.]
1. Get a high level of Skill: Arctic Winds. [Lvl. 3-5]
2. Here are the other skills you need:

Main :
- Icicle (Max if you can!)
- Blizzard (Skill lvl. 3-4 for Level 28-35 players.) - (Level 36+ are recommended to have skill level 5-6.)
- Mist of Ice (To power up your ice attacks!)
- Mana Crystal (Mana regeneration skill)
- Mana Shield

Other skills, if you feel like you need them:
- Flash Freeze
- Ice Spikes
- Intense Cold
(Power up your Ice Mist. ;3)

*You can get other skills in the Water Element skill branch that I didn't mention here, no prob, plus Arcane skills are useful too. (Harvest Mana, Arcane Might, etc.)

3. If you're feeling tough, aggro those jesters! Use Mana Shield if you're such a smol potato, with Mana Crystal also ready- then cast Blizzard at the group. +Mist of Ice for more damage. [I don't recommend this for level 28-31, unless you have good dps and defense/health.] If you have awesome dps, good for you! Try getting the gunmen in the aggro as well. If they don't die in the Blizzard, you can just shoot them with Icicles. Since they're hit with the Blizzard they would be in a low health if the green jesters didn't heal them.

If this doesn't work, you may just use Icicles and any other skills you're suitable with.


4. Mages don't really fit a lot of elements into their single skillset. Each element skill branch (Fire, Water, Wind, excepting Earth) has it's perfect set of skills, (Powering up, mana regeneration). Scrambling them all, example-

> Fire Bolt, Icicle, Thunderbolt, Fire Wall

It's going to be a mess. .-. Something has to go with Fire Bolt, like Embers. Embers need to get some power up sometime too, plus your mana is draining alot, so Ignite has to go with it there. Same thing with other skills. Example with Wind:
Thunderbolt > Overload > Lightning Bolt [ For large groups, example suitable dungeon: Battle for Ashaya (BFA) ]

Having a full skillset of one element + only a few other skills of (1) element is fine. Example:
> Fire Bolt, Embers, Internal Heat, Ignite, Thunderbolt
^ For situations where you'll meet other elemental monsters, like BFA dungeon. There would like mountains of water elementals, then suddenly there will be wind elementals like the clouds. (If I'm not mistaken ;-;) Then you will be need at least one earth skill.
So here it is the strategy if you don't have high dps/you're a potato, get most of your skills on Water + one or two skills on Earth. Here's my suggestion: > Icicle, Arctic Winds, Mist of Ice, Blizzard, Earth Spike

Experiment! You gotta see where your points are going. :D
Hope this helps! I'll write another mage tactics if I miss stuff. If not, I'm going straight to Hunters.