Forum - Results: Exploration Screenshots

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Author Topic: Results: Exploration Screenshots  (Read 2131 times)


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« on: December 20, 2012, 08:58:58 pm »
The screenshot contest has ended, and a ton of screenshots were submitted - a lot of them were very creative, and much better than what I could have come up with. Kudos for that, and a big 'thank you' for everyone who participated.

Starting next reboot, everyone who participated will receive the Painter's Palette on all their characters of the account(s) they posted with. In the meantime, though, there are a couple of screenshots that really stood out in my opinion, and are great candidates for being featured!

by DeathofDeath: I like the atmosphere here, standing on top of the hill, with the evening sky and the tree reaching over the moon - good composition, and it definitely has something of exploring far away plains in it.

by Goldy: Knowing you two are siblings makes this screenshot just so much better. What a team! (and who wouldn't team up with Willow anyway)

I like the composition on that one too - even if you're fighting, it looks as if you just ran into a pack of aggressive bees while exploring the meadows, annnd ..

.. this one is good just because it shows the monastery courtyard, which no one else used - especially since it's something very different.

This one isn't really exploration. Still, it makes a good screenshot for PvP, even if the messages from switching equipment are somewhat cluttering things up. ;P

I like that one for the beach, and because you're dressed for the occasion there - the chatbox really is in the way though.

Pike had a ton of good screenshots, many of which could well go for one of the upcoming contests as well. The ones that stand out most for this contest are :

I like that one for similar reasons I like the monastery one - it's a change of scenery, even if it's a bit hard to tell what's going on (unless you know the quest). Same (the change of scenery) goes for ..

.. this one - love how you moved every UI element out of view (even though that's not necessary - it's mostly important that the things that are in focus aren't covered up with the cursor or such).

I like that one, since it's quite creative - nothing I'd have expected, especially since it's something completely different than what you do in this map. Still, it works and feels very .. explorative. XD

This one just radiates exploration with your little group. ;P That you all dressed appropriately with the helmet makes it just so much better. On this one, everything just fits together. Awesome entry.

Anyhow, this brings the first screenshot contest to an end. If you didn't get anything so far, or if you'd like another shot at it - don't worry: the next contest is coming up soon.