I made a few minor changes to disconnections in battlegrounds:
- Determination has been buffed to increase maximum HP by +30% (up from +15%) and damage done by +20% (up from +15%).
- Being reported as AFK gives you a long (1.5 minute) timer to give anyone a chance to get back into battle - even if they're far out defending. If someone is disconnecting (the red lightning bolt), the timer is much shorter, since there's no one connected to get back into battle, really.
- If free spots in a battleground cannot be filled in a timely manner, the team with fewer players can vote to close the battleground. This used to (and still does) start a 2 minute timer before the battleground is actually closed. However, for battles that have been going on for a while (and where this 2 minute timer can destroy a lot of effort of the now-weaker team), the closure is now immediate.
This should give people in a battleground more control over what should happen if the unexpected occurs. ;P