Forum - Adding Monsters in the Map Editor

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Author Topic: Adding Monsters in the Map Editor  (Read 8768 times)


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« on: January 27, 2012, 07:59:42 pm »
You made your map, and you are among the folks who can add monsters to their own maps. But - how do you do it?

First of all, you need to have platforms on your map already. You cannot place monsters in thin air - the map editor will let you do it, but the server will ignore the monster, because it isn't on a platform.

Once you do have platforms, adding monsters to your map is easy: All you have to do is click the "Mob" button on the top left. It will highlight, and both the controls on the side, as well as the "Quick List" on top of it will change:

Now, click on "Browse", and it will show you a list of all monsters you can add, as well as how many monsters of each you can add:

Note: If that list is empty, your account has not been enabled for adding monsters. Similar to getting additional graphics for map editing, this is a privilege, must be earned, and cannot be requested. To earn the privilege, all you had to do was participate in the discussion about what monsters you wanted to have.

Select the monster from the list, just like you would with a graphic item, and place it on the map. That's it!
Now that the monster is on the map, you can select it, and do a couple of things.

How do I select a monster?

You select a monster just like you would select a platform, or a graphic - click on it.

Which keys work after I selected a monster?

You can press your "delete" key to remove the monster.
Your arrow keys will change the position of the monster.
If you press "M", you change the direction the monster looks in.

How do I change how fast the monster respawns?

Press "Enter" after you selected a monster, or right click the monster and select "Properties". This will show the monster properties:

The respawn time is changed in the first two fields (which are "from"-"to" fields). If you put "30" in the first, and "45" in the second, the monster will respawn anytime between 30 and 45 seconds. You cannot make a monster respawn faster than 20 seconds.

The "On Spawn" field is used for official maps only, but you may to put one of the following keywords in it to change the monster's default behaviour (no quotes or spaces):
  • "monster:nonhostile" - The monster will be neutral, even though it normally would be hostile.
  • "monster:friendly" - The monster will be friendly to players, and monsters will attack it.
  • "monster:noreset" - The monster will not reset if it loses its target.
  • "monster:patrol" - The monster will patrol on its platform (walking to the very left, then the very right, and so on).
  • "monster:changetarget2" - The monster does not have a hate table, and will attack whoever is closest.

The "Condition" field is used for official maps only.
Checking "Assist Any" makes the monster help any other monster that is fighting.
Checking "No Respawn" prevents the monster from respawning (the respawn times are ignored if you check that).

What do the icons on the left do?

The icons on the left let you change a couple of things about the monster's behaviour.

Setting Patrol, Assist and Aggro Ranges

The left-most (other than the select tool) is "Patrol": . This lets you change the range the monster walks in. Simply click it, then on a monster, and move your mouse. A blue bar will show the part of the platform the monster will move in. Once you are happy with it, click again and the editor will save it. Don't worry if the blue bar extends over a platform, this is handled by the server. Unless you put a patrol range in, or use "monster:patrol", monsters are stationary.

The tool right to it is the "Assist Range" tool: . If you click it, you can set the range in which the monster will assist other monsters that are fighting (this only works if a monster is set to assist to start with). This works identically to setting the patrol range.

Right to the "Assist Range" is the "Aggro Range" tool: , which sets you set the range at which hostile monsters "see" and attack you. This also works identically to setting the patrol range.

Linking Monsters

The top two tools let you "link" monsters. Monsters that are linked fight together - if two monsters are linked, and you attack one, the other one will join the fight as well. To link monsters, simply select one of the two icons, and click all monsters you want to link. To delete links again, click on the arrow on the left, select the link you want to delete, and hit the "Delete" key.

The map editor knows two links - undirected and directed ones.

The first icon is for undirected links: . If you link monsters with it, it does not matter which one is attacked - all monsters that are linked will join the battle together.

Directed links are created with the second icon: . If you link monsters with a directed link, the monster the arrow is pointing from will join the monster the arrow is pointing at.
For example, in the Abandoned Burrow, Zandra and her guards look like this:

If you attack Zandra, all the guards will automatically help her. However, you can attack the individual guards without Zandra entering the fight (the link to the eggs was removed for clarity).

How many monsters can I put on my map?

At the moment, the total number of monsters you can put on a map is limited to 15.

Do I get experience or loot from the monsters I add?

No. Monsters only give experience and drop loot on official maps.


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 11:29:20 am »
Ok, heres my list of monsters and wut not. I don't have Monster Maker so i dont know exactly (technically tho i read the manual) how to work Monster Maker. So, im gonna try to list em here and wut map they go on ect ect, Hopefully my explaining will be simple and clear...hopefully. I'm gonna say the monster, which platform its on, which direction its facing, how many points (dots of the platform) it will patrol, its status, and the respawn time. Ok, here goes nothing,

Number of Monsters: 11

Icesilk Harvester
position: path 3
direction: right
Patrol Range: 1 to 5
Status: Neutral
Assist Range: point 1 on path 3 - point 7 on path 2
Assists Icesilk Spiders only.
Time: 32 seconds

Icesilk Harvester
position: path 4
direction: left
Patrol Range: 1 to 6
Assist Range:point 1 on path 3 - point 7 on path 2
Assists Icesilk Spiders only.
Time: 32 seconds

Crystalspike Lizard
position: path 2
direction: left
Patrol Range: 6 to 11
Status: Neutral
Assists Crystalspike Lizards Only
Assist Range: 3 points
Time: 30 seconds

Crystalspike Lizard
position: path 2
direction: right
Patrol Range: 8 to12
Status: Neutral
Assist Range: 3 points
Assists Crystalspike Lizards only.
Time: 30 seconds

Icesilk Harvester
position: path 2
direction: right
Patrol Range: 12 to 14
Status: Neutral
Assist Range:
Assists Icesilk Harvesters Only
Time: 32 seconds

Icesilk Harvester
position: path 5
direction: left
Patrol Range: 1 to 4
Status: Neutral
Assist Range:
Assists Icesilk Harvesters Only
Time: 32 seconds

Crystalspike Lizard
position: path 0
direction: left
Patrol Range: 1 to 6
Status: Neutral
Assist Range: 4 points
Assists Crystalspike Lizards only
Time: 30 seconds

Crystalspike Lizard
position: path 0
direction: right
Patrol Range: 5 to 8
Status: Neutral
Assist Range: 4 points
Assists Crystalspike Lizards only
Time: 30 seconds

Frostpike Lizard
position: path 0
direction: left
Patrol Range 10 to 15
Status: Friendly
Assist Range: 4 points
Time: 20 seconds

Northern Fliffy
position: path 0
direction: left
Patrol Range: 14 to 16
Status: Neutral
Assist Range: 3 points
Assits Northern Fliffies only
Time: 22 seconds

Northern Fliffy
position: path 0
direction: right
Patrol Range: 14 to 16
Status: Neutral
Assist Range: 3 points
Assits Northern Fliffies only
Time: 22 seconds


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« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 12:32:02 pm »
Ok, heres my list of monsters and wut not. I don't have Monster Maker so i dont know exactly (technically tho i read the manual) how to work Monster Maker. So, im gonna try to list em here and wut map they go on ect ect, Hopefully my explaining will be simple and clear...hopefully. I'm gonna say the monster, which platform its on, which direction its facing, how many points (dots of the platform) it will patrol, its status, and the respawn time. Ok, here goes nothing,

That was just way too detailed. X3 All I wanted were the names of the monsters. :3

Here's what I added:

- Icesilk Harvester (x5)
- Crystalspike Harvester (x5)
- Frostspike Lizard (x5)
- North Plains Fliffy (x7)

Everything else you can set up yourself in the map editor (using this manual). If you don't see monsters yet, you might need to reload it.


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 01:58:25 pm »
Ooh ok.
Pfft i feel stupid XD


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2012, 05:46:54 am »
ok 2 questions.

The Frostspike Lizard i put on map is suppose to be friendly and only attack monsters who attack me in a certain radius of it. I set it up but the Lizard went straight to the fliffies right of it and attacked them. How do i make em not attack unless friendlys (me) is attacked?
2. Is there a way to  have the frostpike lizard without the hatchlings? cuz the friendly Frostpike Lizard is an idea of mine for a NPC's pet but the hatchlings kinda dont match the story. XD


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« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2012, 11:22:30 am »
The Frostspike Lizard i put on map is suppose to be friendly and only attack monsters who attack me in a certain radius of it.

Make their aggro radius really small, and their assist radius large. Also make sure Assist Any is checked. That should work, unless it's bugged. ;P Come to think of it, it'll be tough for the current frostspike lizard, because its minions will have a regular sized aggro radius, see the fliffy, attack it, and then call the frostspike lizard over. So - you'll have to wait until the reboot to get the minion-less Frostspike Lizard. :3

2. Is there a way to  have the frostpike lizard without the hatchlings?

Yes, I will add a new Frostspike Lizards without minions next reboot. :3


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 04:31:17 am »
Ok made that list! um i ...added alot so...if  u think thats too many to add to editor its cool. just a...yeah lemme know ill shorten the list....if i can :3

-Forest bug
-Fruit bug
-Fruit bug leader (seems like the insect version of frostpike lizard :3)
-spiked catepillar
-mine worker
-firesting wasp (with and without um..spawning? i guess)
-mine overseer
-spiderlings (wonder the limit on those XD)
-Deep mine worker
-High over seer rotclaw (optional)
-Lint (optional)
-Mature Forest Spider (wow poisoned 10 min XDDD)
-Hollowtree nest guard
-poisonbite spider
-hollowtree venomspitter
-hollowtree webmender
-wild honey bee
-hyacinth fly
-orchid fly
-coralspike lizard
-venomous slimespitter
-cliffglider batling
-snowscale hatchling
-frigid spirit
-frostbloom lizard (with and without hatchlings)
-lesser frost demon
-snowcavern hive guard
-snowcavern venomstinger
-snowcavern hivemender
-frost sprite
-frostgloom lizard
-nightbloom lizard
-christmas jester (red and green)
-polished gunmen
-frostpike hatcling
-frostbloom hatchling
-lesser tundra spirit
-energy cloud
-crystalspike hatchling
-emeraldscale hatchling
-emeraldscale lizard
-frozen elemental
-crystalspike guardian
-crystalspike elder
-icesilk burrower
-ahaya exile rogue
-ashaya exile hunter
-armoured guard lizard
-cave hunter
-cave herbalist
-cave firecaller
-midnight venomfang
-shimmerleaf lizard
-tiny forest sprite
-lost spirit
-cultist spellcaster

.....ok that was...alot... o.o imma shorten the list a bit and give u reason for needing them (just in case)

Factory Map
-christmas jester (red and green)
-polished gunmen

Petshop map
(i know i only got 1 map called petshop but imma add more too it and connect more rooms to pet shop)
baby petshop map (for lil pets only X3)
-tiny forest sprite
-cliffhanger batling
-snowscale hatchling
-frostbloom hatchling
-emeraldscale hatchling
-frostpike hatchling
-frigid spirit

rare petshop map (for minibosses that are like only 1 in all icy or they only show up for like 1 quest)
-field bug leader
-emerald lizard
-frostgloom lizard
-nightbloom lizard
-nightmare thistles[?] (the dark blue ones)
-anaconda (its neutral who would be dumb enough to attack it ..XD ill put it on top shelf)
(i was gonna add Scav, Bizz, and such but they'd be too high damage to be in a pet shop) X3

anyway....imma stop adding more to this post cuz im probably overthinking this rather then just waiting for u to post a reply XD and look where it got me last time (refers to the 2nd post of topic) ok! BYE NOW XD


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2012, 07:35:55 am »
Ok made that list! um i ...added alot so...if  u think thats too many to add to editor its cool. just a...yeah lemme know ill shorten the list....if i can :3

-Forest bug
-Fruit bug
-Fruit bug leader (seems like the insect version of frostpike lizard :3)
-spiked catepillar
-mine worker
-firesting wasp (with and without um..spawning? i guess)
-mine overseer
-spiderlings (wonder the limit on those XD)
-Deep mine worker
-High over seer rotclaw (optional)
-Lint (optional)
-Mature Forest Spider (wow poisoned 10 min XDDD)
-Hollowtree nest guard
-poisonbite spider
-hollowtree venomspitter
-hollowtree webmender
-wild honey bee
-hyacinth fly
-orchid fly
-coralspike lizard
-venomous slimespitter
-cliffglider batling
-snowscale hatchling
-frigid spirit
-frostbloom lizard (with and without hatchlings)
-lesser frost demon
-snowcavern hive guard
-snowcavern venomstinger
-snowcavern hivemender
-frost sprite
-frostgloom lizard
-nightbloom lizard
-christmas jester (red and green)
-polished gunmen
-frostpike hatcling
-frostbloom hatchling
-lesser tundra spirit
-energy cloud
-crystalspike hatchling
-emeraldscale hatchling
-emeraldscale lizard
-frozen elemental
-crystalspike guardian
-crystalspike elder
-icesilk burrower
-ahaya exile rogue
-ashaya exile hunter
-armoured guard lizard
-cave hunter
-cave herbalist
-cave firecaller
-midnight venomfang
-shimmerleaf lizard
-tiny forest sprite
-lost spirit
-cultist spellcaster

.....ok that was...alot... o.o imma shorten the list a bit and give u reason for needing them (just in case)

Factory Map
-christmas jester (red and green)
-polished gunmen

Petshop map
(i know i only got 1 map called petshop but imma add more too it and connect more rooms to pet shop)
baby petshop map (for lil pets only X3)
-tiny forest sprite
-cliffhanger batling
-snowscale hatchling
-frostbloom hatchling
-emeraldscale hatchling
-frostpike hatchling
-frigid spirit

rare petshop map (for minibosses that are like only 1 in all icy or they only show up for like 1 quest)
-field bug leader
-emerald lizard
-frostgloom lizard
-nightbloom lizard
-nightmare thistles[?] (the dark blue ones)
-anaconda (its neutral who would be dumb enough to attack it ..XD ill put it on top shelf)
(i was gonna add Scav, Bizz, and such but they'd be too high damage to be in a pet shop) X3

anyway....imma stop adding more to this post cuz im probably overthinking this rather then just waiting for u to post a reply XD and look where it got me last time (refers to the 2nd post of topic) ok! BYE NOW XD

i made a new map after i made this list so XD addin a few more in the really need for map requests
its a prison map so
-Scav (without minion)
-Ashaya Exile Rogue
-Ashaya Exile Hunter
 oh and not sure how like herbs and chests work if their considered monsters or not but um if they are basically like monsters then can we add those to maps too? :o wouldnt have to have any loot just there for the players to destroy and such.


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« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2012, 12:29:05 am »
That is one long list you have there. XD

You should be able to add them all, now. ;P


  • Lint
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« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2013, 08:58:29 pm »
Toby I cant add any monsters its not giving me choices what do I do? I really want monsters in my map XD


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« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2013, 12:09:05 am »
Toby I cant add any monsters its not giving me choices what do I do? I really want monsters in my map XD

Which monsters would you like?


  • Lint
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« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2013, 08:24:14 pm »
well I would like:
Tormented argans,
those blue argans,
vemonfang snakes,
ironwood crusher,
pink flowers (forgot what there name is),
tar covered sproutlings,
and jungle stingers :P


  • Lint
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« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2014, 09:25:09 pm »
I don't know if this is where to ask because you said a discussion about which monsters to add, but I need permission in the map editor for the following monsters so I'll ask here:

-Cave Firecaller
-Cave Hunter
-Cave Herbalist
-Rockscale Lizard (Just the lizard, no hatchlings)
-Bloodfang Batlings
-Nightbloom Lizard (Friendly)

Again, sorry if this wasn't the place to ask about monsters in maps ^^;


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« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2014, 11:18:56 am »
This post really was for those that helped testing the map editor and monsters back in the day (which essentially was just Birk).

Generally, the way I do it now is that I ask whoever wants monsters in their map to show me one or two completed maps of their own. If they are sufficiently high quality, I'll add access to monsters.


  • Bluebell
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« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2014, 09:12:37 pm »
Good to know. FYI I have a few people interested in creating maps and intend myself to be part of that group. So I will be working on that and bugging you in the future, well... More so.