The Blackwood Depths

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The Blackwood Depths is a dungeon that can be accessed from the bottom of the Blackwood Caverns. It is one of the major dungeons found within the game. You will investigate the dangerous area, home to some of the most powerful and wicked creatures in all of Blackwood. Ultimately, you will search for answers in the lingering darkness, hoping to undo a fate that had befallen one individual too soon.

It is unlocked through the culmination of multiple quest lines (with a focus on Laurel's quests), after getting a room to stay in, eventually ending at Into the Abyss. After following the Shattered quest line, ending up at The Wish, and concluding at The Blackwood Depths, then the entrance to the Blackwood Depths will be open.

The recommended level for the Blackwood Depths is 39 to 40, and adventurers above 41 will be scaled down to that level for the dungeon. It is also recommended that you have at least 3 or more players before starting the dungeon. A typical group set-up will consist of one healer, one tank and one or more damage dealers.

The Blackwood Depths has two modes of difficulty. By default, the dungeon is set to Normal Mode. To change the mode from Normal to Hard, you must first break the fairy free from the webbing in the Main Access Tunnel (the top-right of the map). Then select the dialogue option "fly off to find the other spirits". The difficulty will then be set from Normal Mode to Hard Mode.

The summon stone also provides a shortcut option, allowing you to skip ahead to the rest point directly after Keraketh. This option is available once you have gathered your members, and decided to vote on this option. However, additional clearing is needed at the start to set it to Hard Mode, and you automatically forfeit your chances of obtaining Critical Care for that run.

Note that the timer for the trophy Critical Care starts on the very first pull in the dungeon - you'll see a message wishing you "Good luck", which is the indicator that the timer started. Once you meet all the basic criteria (started the dungeon without shortcuts, freeing the fairy, and setting the dungeon to hard mode), you'll see a hint about the timed trophy beyond hard mode ("You feel a strange sense of urgency..."). After each required boss (other than Zafyre) there is a break point, which pauses the timer, indicated by an appropriate message ("You feel a sense of timelessness."). Advancing after the break point displays the original message and starts the timer again.


Name Crystalfang
Level 42
Classification Insect
Element Poison 1
Health 226,000
Resistances Immune to stun, freeze, silence, sleep, and charm.

Crystalfang is the first boss in the Blackwood Depths - Main Access Tunnel (B1 Spiders' Den). Through the shortcut method, it is an optional boss that is skipped, and can be re-fought later. It is located around the middle-right area of the map. Crystalfang's defending element is Poison 1, making it strong against most elements except Fire, Water, Wind, Light, and Poison itself (at 0%). Similar to Noxxara, this boss will attempt to devour the eggs to the right of it during the fight to become more powerful.

The main abilities that Crystalfang will use are:

  • Jab: Deals a large amount of damage to the target that has it's attention (the tank). Use Smite to counter this.
  • Poisonous Bite: Deals a moderate amount of damage to a target and inflicts the poison debuff. Crystalfang will constantly use this ability.
  • Poison Volley: Targets all players for moderate to heavy poison damage, leaving behind a poison debuff for more damage dealt over time. The effects of this ability are deadlier the more amount of damage stacks it has. Has a fast casting time.
  • Entangling Webs: Randomly targets a player, usually a damage dealer or healer, causing them to be immobilized until an ally breaks them free. They can still use skills when immobilized, but cannot break free themselves.
  • Poison Patch: Places a green acidic pool underneath a random player (damage dealer or healer). Constantly deals damage to players who are standing in it.
  • Nourish: Crystalfang will rush to one of the eggs on the right (the one that it will target will be highlighted in green). The longer it can eat the egg, the more damage stacks (temporary) it will gain, increasing the damage dealt from every ability it uses.
    • The trophy On A Diet requires you to defeat Crystalfang without letting it reach 8 stacks of Nourish. You need to ensure that your damage dealers deal with the egg as quickly as possible once they see it. Using an AoE can help take out the egg faster, but watch for the additional monsters on the right, as you might accidentally pull them during the fight.


The tank should have Crystalfang facing away from the rest of the group to the left, while the rest of the group remains on the right side (so that they are closer to the eggs). Make sure that every time that you are dealing with the eggs, that you aren't pulling the additional enemies to the right of the eggs by accident. The additional damage taken from those monsters can potentially knock out your group, so be careful using AoE skills.

The tank should be responsible for smiting Jab, while the damage dealers should try to interrupt the boss's Poison Volley, in order to reduce the amount of damage taken by the group. The two abilities that it will use from time to time are Entangling Webs, and Poison Patch. Make sure that as soon as you see a web on an ally, that you try to get rid of it immediately (to prevent the boss from combining the two abilities together). If not taken care of, the web can prevent a damage dealer from attacking the egg, and let Crystalfang get more damage stacks for it's abilities.

Every so often, Crystalfang will focus it's attention from the tank to one of the random three Crystalline Hoard eggs on the right. These eggs are invincible, and can only be destroyed if it is the target egg that Crystalfang wants to eat (shown by a green marker). You must defeat Crystalfang before it can finish eating all three of the eggs, and trying to come back around for the fourth (it will enrage, seeing that there are no eggs left).

Note that the platform that you fight Crystalfang on has a hidden platform below. You cannot access this platform, but it can mess with the placement of your AoE attacks. Slightly move your cursor upwards to prevent accidentally casting it on the hidden platform instead.


Name Keraketh
Level 42
Classification Insect
Element Neutral 1
Health 283,000
Resistances Immune to stun, freeze, silence, sleep, and charm.

Keraketh is the second boss in the Blackwood Depths - Main Access Tunnel (B1 Sand Grotto). Through the shortcut method, it is an optional boss that is skipped, and can be re-fought later (if you want to face it, go to the Upper Tunnel Hub, and take the portal on the left). It is located on the bottom-right area of the map. As you approach, you'll either see a fairy trapped in a cage (indicating that it is NM), or no fairy or cage at all (indicating that it is HM). This is a direct consequence of what option you chose back when you were saving the fairy from the webbing.

Keraketh's defending element is Neutral 1, making it vulnerable against Ghost (+25% more damage). It is also vulnerable against Light, Dark and Poison (+12.5% more damage). A Mage should ideally decide between Fire or Water (depending on their preference, as both are 0%).

Name Armoured Mantis
Level 42
Classification Insect
Element Earth 1
Health 95,000
Resistances Resistant to stun, freeze, silence, sleep, and charm.

In NM, the differences in the fight was that only one Armoured Mantis would spawn. The fairy would break free from it's cage, and take care of the Armoured Mantis while you were fighting Keraketh. If you were to let Keraketh use Gastric Spray on the Armoured Mantis while it was taken care of by the fairy, the fairy will aid you for a bit and then leave. In addition, there aren't as many prey that spawn on the field. In HM, there is no fairy to help you deal with the Armoured Mantises, and they spawn two at a time. There is more prey on the field for your group to deal with.

The main abilities that Keraketh will use are:

  • Scythe Slash: Deals a moderate amount of damage to the target that has it's attention (the tank).
  • Poison Volley: Targets all players for moderate poison damage, leaving behind a poison debuff for more damage dealt over time. Has a fast casting time.
  • Poison Barrage: Targets a random player, constantly dealing damage to them every second for several seconds. Can be interrupted.
  • Collapse: Makes two stone pillars fall from the ceiling, targeting over a medium area each (indicated by a yellow circle). Deals a large amount of damage and stuns any player caught by the falling pillars.
    • The trophy Team Impossible requires you to defeat Keraketh without any member of your group (including yourself) get hit by the falling pillars at any point during the battle.
  • Stomp: Keraketh will stomp, causing several webbed prey to fall down. Each webbed prey takes significantly less damage from AoE attacks, so you'll have to defeat them one by one. This ability tells you the start of Keraketh's summoning phase.
  • Devour: After the webbed prey falls down, Keraketh will automatically target a nearby prey to eat it, and gain a damage buff for a short amount of time. If it eats more than two prey in a row, it will enrage, giving it a massive damage boost. Keraketh will still follow the player that has it's attention.
  • Bladedance: After 30 seconds of the prey falling down, Keraketh will teleport to every webbed prey that is still alive, and use Devour to eat it.
  • Gaze & Gastric Spray: Keraketh will focus their eyes on a random player, indicated by the incoming message. At this time, Keraketh will continue to attack the tank until several seconds later, where it will use Gastric Spray (a stronger version of Poison Breath) in the direction that the chosen player is at. Deals a large amount of poison damage every second, and kills any armoured mantises caught in the breath.
    • The trophy Bad Breath requires you to let Keraketh use Gastric Spray on three armoured mantises. This requires being on hard mode, having a healer & two damage dealers with Nightfall and Flash Freeze. You'll have to wait until Keraketh spawns two mantises, continue to freeze/put them to sleep. Then, wait for the next set of mantises to spawn, and freeze them/put them to sleep, or have a tank grab the attention of one or two of them all in the same spot. Then, right before Gastric Breath comes, have the targeted character stand behind all of those mantises.
  • Frenzy: At around 10% of Keraketh's health, it will not use any auto-attacks or skills except this one. It will constantly do damage to the target that has it's attention (the tank) every second. The damage Keraketh inflicts will slowly raise over time.

Strategy (HM)

The fight against Keraketh consists of two summoning phases in between, and frenzy at the end (when Keraketh is at 10% of its health).

General Set-up

On the right side of the the area where the boss fight takes place, the tank should have Keraketh facing to the right, while the damage dealers are on the left, behind it. The tank should take care of interrupting Poison Barrage. The damage dealers should continue to attack Keraketh, while helping the tank interrupt Poison Barrage if it comes up while Smite is on cooldown. An optional ability that you can interrupt is Poison Volley, however dealing damage is the focus of the battle, and isn't as strong as Crystalfang's version of the ability.

Once Keraketh uses Collapse, make sure that your allies aren't standing in one of the yellow circles. They can inflict a large amount of damage, stun you, and add stress for the healer.

Summoning Phase

When Keraketh reaches one of it's summoning phases, it will spawn several webbed prey onto the field, and slow down on it's usual attack rotation. The tank should move Keraketh towards the left side of the boss area (not too far left, just enough so you avoid getting into contact with multiple prey), with Keraketh facing towards the left. Make sure that as you are moving Keraketh to the left during the summoning phase, that you watch the number of prey that Keraketh is eating at a time. The max that it can eat at a time is two.

You are given about 30 seconds before Keraketh uses Blade Dance. This ability will cause Keraketh to teleport to each and every prey that is still alive on the field, and Devour them. This can easily cause Keraketh to enrage, so you have to work fast on getting rid of the prey. If no prey exists, then the ability will not be used.

Each prey is fairly durable, and can significantly reduce the amount of damage it takes from AoE attacks. Each player on the field should split the work on taking out the prey, while the tank is dealing with Keraketh.

  • The resistance to AoE attacks makes it difficult for a Mage, but not for a DPS Warrior. Make sure that you take on as few prey as possible at a time, and ideally work together with another damage dealer on taking down the same prey. If multiple prey are on you at the same time, then your attacks will be slower (due to hitstun). Do not let several of them wander off into the tank's position, and focus on taking them down on the right side of the boss area.
  • Sometimes, the prey will also fall onto the left side of the boss area. The tank themselves or a healer should purposefully feed prey into Keraketh (this will cause the tank to take more damage, but cut down on the number of prey on the field faster). Make sure that you are only feeding two at a time and watch the damage buff carefully. Once the duration on the damage buff expires, then you can feed prey into Keraketh again.

After dealing with the prey, the tank should remain in the same spot, while the damage dealers focus on Keraketh. This way, there isn't much chaos when moving around the boss. You should continue to follow the general set-up.

Armoured Mantises and Gastric Breath

Every so often, Keraketh will spawn two Armoured Mantises to aid it in battle. These mantises have a large amount of health, and should not be dealt with during the fight. Instead, the tank should taunt and growl them so that they are pulled towards the tank's direction. Once the mantis moves into the tank's direction (towards the left), let a damage dealer/healer use Nightfall or Flash Freeze to leave it there.

At one point in battle, Keraketh will use Gaze, followed by a message indicating who Keraketh is looking at. This is a heads up to what player Keraketh will target using Gastric Breath. Keraketh will not use Gastric Breath immediately, but after 10-15 seconds. The player who is being targeted should go behind the tank, keeping their distance away, as if they were trying to avoid an invisible breath by staying out of range.

If the targeted player does not go behind the tank at all for whatever reason it may be, the rest of the group should run to behind to the tank to avoid getting hit with Gastric Breath. The targeted player should not go behind the boss at this point (worst case scenario, Keraketh will change directions, continuing to use the breath and hitting the entire group), and instead keep their distance away.

Moments before the breath is about to hit, the tank should use this chance to go back to their original position on the right side of the boss area (to the one mentioned in General Set-up). Make sure that the mantises are still within the breath's range and actually get hit by it before going back. If done correctly, the armoured mantises that were in the tank's direction should be instantly killed by Keraketh's breath.


At 10% of Keraketh's health, it will abandon every other skill except Frenzy. This constantly deals an increasing amount of damage every second. You want to spam your most damaging skills to quickly defeat Keraketh.

The trophy Razor's Edge requires you to defeat Keraketh on Hard Mode.

Venyxia (Optional)

Name Venyxia
Level 42
Classification Elemental
Element Poison 4 / Water
Health 101,000
Resistances Immune to stun, freeze, silence, sleep, and charm.

Venyxia is the third and optional boss in the north-east section of the Blackwood Depths - Upper Tunnel Hub. It is an optional boss that can be skipped, and refought later (it is not required for the Critical Care trophy). As you approach the north-east map of the Upper Tunnel Hub, there are two dead ends, one in the center, and one that curves east, then down a bit to the left (pond area for filling Cythia's vial as part of a side quest). To approach the secret area that leads to Venyxia, take the center dead-end, and see that it splits left (leads to the secret area) and right (only has thorny blackberry bushes).

It is one of the few monsters that have a split element (has two defending elements at once). Ideally, you want to fight Venyxia with an element that works best for both Poison and Water, or an elemental set with knockback & AoE capabilities, such as Fire, Water, Wind, Poison or Light.

Name Venyxia Droplet
Level 42
Classification Formless
Element Poison 2
Health 2,280
Resistances None

There are no differences between Normal Mode and Hard Mode. Unlike most conventional bosses, Venyxia is unique for her Poison Membrane ability. This causes her to negate any damage received down to 1 for about 50 hits, before she explodes into several slime droplets that attempt to recombine herself. The fight also has a very short berserk timer of 3 minutes, making the battle very quick.

The main abilities that Venyxia will use are:

  • Poison Membrane: Shield phase only. This is Venyxia's active ability on the field. Negates any damage received down to 1 for about 50 hits. Starts at 50 stacks, and decreases every time Venyxia is hit.
  • Burst: Once Poison Membrane reaches 0 stacks, Venyxia causes an explosion that deals moderate to large damage to all nearby players. This attack is weaker the further away you are from the blast. At this point, the battle transitions into the Summoning phase, and waves of slime droplets come from both sides (5 on each side) to try to get to the spot where Venyxia first exploded (the metal circlet).
  • Poison Bolt: An ability (at skill level 18) that deals a large amount of damage to a single player, and leaves them with a poison debuff that deals more damage over time.
  • Poison Bolt Volley: Targets all players for moderate to heavy damage, leaving behind a poison debuff that deals more damage over time.
  • Unrelenting Rage: Enrage phase only. At 20% of Venyxia's health, her Poison Membrane is replaced with this ability, allowing her to cast abilities faster and deal more damage. At this point in battle, you can deal damage to her directly.


The fight consists of three phases in total. When Venyxia is at more than 20% of her health, the shield and summoning phases occur over and over again. When Venyxia is at less than 20% of her health, the enrage phase occurs instead.

Shield Phase


Strategy (NM)

Strategy (HM)

Accessing the Treasure Caves


Strategy (NM)

Strategy (HM)

Accessing the Dream (HM + Critical Care)


  • The torches serve no purpose in the dungeon, however they can be lit up with the use of fire attacks.