If someone causes troubles, report them! Reports are confidential (whoever you reported won't know that you reported them), and let us take care of things before they get out of hand. To report someone, do one of the following
- Click their name in the chatbox, and select "Report Player", or
- Right click their character and select "Report", or
- Type "/report " followed by their name.
Reporting someone also temporarily ignores them. If they try to whisper you, or send you trade, group or guild requests, they will receive a message stating that "X is ignoring you". If confronted, you can claim that you ignored them - non-staff members cannot tell the difference between an ignore and a report.
- If you report someone, a log of your and their chat will be saved so that our staff can investigate.
- You can report staff members and moderators. Staff members can see that they have been reported, however they are instructed to not act on reports against them. If you prefer your report to be hidden from all moderators and most staff members, you can use the e-mail address or the fax number in the privacy policy. You can report the owner of Paw'D, and your report will be considered.
- Do not file fake reports. Reports will be investigated. Asking all your friends to "report them too" will not make a fake report valid, nor will it make a minor offense serious. If you assist "a friend" because they told you to lie in a report, you will receive the same punishment as that friend.