Priest healing tactics

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As a priest, you are the lifeblood of your group (in other words, you take responsibility for helping your group survive as much as you can with your healing). But be warned, part of their strategy is that you have to do what it takes to be both efficient and useful at the same time. This tutorial will help you get used to the daily routine of a healer, as well as the role you play in PvP.

For starters as a healer, think of a scale with two sides on it. One is your efficiency; this shows how well you save your mana during battle. The other side of this scale is reliability (or usefulness); how much mana you spend using your healing skills to help your group members survive. Now why are these two things so important to consider about? Well, for instance, if you're a healer and you hardly use your healing skills, it's great that you're not wasting all of your mana at once, but you're not helping your group survive enough. On the other hand, most beginner healers think that you should keep using your mana on spamming those healing skills. You may be helping your group survive by doing that for a while, but it's a big no no, because if you are standing there with 0 mana, you're just a sitting duck that is letting all of your group members get knocked out.

But first, here's one major point that you should consider. In most RPG games, you would think that there is no cooldown for potions. Well guess what? This game has a 2 minute cooldown when you use a single potion, so it's not going to help you at all unless you really need it; hence why every group requires at least one healer in it. Now, to continue from the paragraph stated above. The solution is that you want to be in the middle of this scale; basically you want to be efficient but also reliable enough.

Alright, now enough theory, let's move onto the priest skills that I believe that are commonly used themselves.

Healing Techniques


  • Revitalise is your standard instant cast healing spell that may seem awfully weak at first. But remember that it heals health slowly over 12 seconds, meaning that you should only cast it once every 10 seconds or so on that damaged ally. Healers should consider to use it on players that have taken some damage, typically when their health is about 60-90%. You should choose to use Revitalise on your ally if they fall below 50% of their health while healing them if they're the one that is taking constant damage, as it may save them from being knocked out.
    • In diverse groups of tanks, damage dealers and healers, your damage dealers should only receive Revitalise from you at most. This is because they have less health than a tank and rarely you should feel the need to use Heal on them unless they have low health (about 10 to 30%).


  • Heal is a powerful yet typical healing spell that restores a large amount of health in one use to a friendly target. You should avoid using it often and instead use Revitalise on your teammates more often. In times of emergency when one of your damage dealers is not expected to survive with a Revitalise that you placed on them, that is when you should use Heal on them. But for most cases, use it on a tank when they are at about 50% of their health or lower (if your Revitalise cannot heal them enough).

Divine Clarity

  • This spell in particular allows you to instant cast a spell that would otherwise take too long to cast. This should be best saved for a Revive to instantly revive one of your fallen allies. If one of your heals will not make it, then you may choose to use this skill to immediately heal them once and immediately go ahead to cast for a second heal. Remember that it should be used sparingly, as this spell has a cooldown to it.

Healing Springs

  • Healing Springs is a spell that heals all of your damaged allies multiple times that are standing in this spring (that looks like a puddle), but the drawback is that you have to stay in one spot and channel it. In order for this spell to be effective, you want your allies to be all standing on it at once. In cases where you are stacking (as many allies including yourself standing in the same spot), this spell can work wonders. However you should refrain from using it if your group likes to split up a lot.
    • But it should not interfere with your regular revitalise pattern unless you believe that one healing spring can consume less mana than multiple revitalises and heal just as efficient.