The Crystal Crypt

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The Crystal Crypt is a dungeon in the Kingdom of Elyssia, located east of the Exile Camp and the Frostspike Nest, just before heading into the Cave to Midnight Mountain. Although it does not have a guardian stone inside, it is considered to be one of the major dungeons in the game. You will put an end to the exiles that occupy the sacred burrows of the Crystalspike Lizards, and with each passing day, enslaves more of the inhabitants to do their bidding.

It is unlocked via Kay's quest line, beginning at All's Fair In Greed and Fashion, where you attempt to barter with Andy to obtain one of the crystal circlets for Kay. You'll investigate Andy's secretive supply chain in East Elyssia Investigations, find a lizard and retrieve crystals for it (from the chests in Galepeak) in Icy Treasures, and establish a line of trust & communication with it (through Akia) from Crystalline Friendship to Spirit Medium. Furthermore, you'll discover what the exiles have been up to, and infiltrate from within between Under Attack! to The Crystal Crypt. After the events of these quests, the entrance to the Crystal Crypt will be open.

The recommended level for the Crystal Crypt is 36 to 39, and adventurers above 39 will be scaled down to that level for the dungeon. It is also recommended that you have at least 3 or more players before starting the dungeon. A typical group set-up will consist of one healer, one tank and one or more damage dealers.

The Crystal Crypt features two modes of difficulty. By default, the dungeon is set to Hard Mode. By helping the Frostbloom Lizard located at the center-left of Upper Fortifications, the difficulty will be set from Hard Mode to Normal Mode. Note that when facing the bosses in the weaker difficulty, the equipment that drops will be much weaker.

In order to gain access to the Inner Sanctuary to face Elder Patrizya, you need two keycards (one from defeating Axrahn Bladeclaw, and one from Myrthe & Kale.

Axrahn Bladeclaw

Name Axrahn Bladeclaw
Level 39
Classification Brute
Element Neutral 2
Health 171,000
Resistances Immune to stun, freeze and sleep. Resistant to charm.

Axrahn Bladeclaw is the first boss of the Crystal Crypt, located at the Upper Fortifications - Outer Exile Settlement. As you enter the Crystal Crypt, Axrahn can be found at the bottom-left side of the first map. There are plenty of exiles, rogue lizards and spirits as you descend down, so take care of them first.

Axrahn's defending element is Neutral 2, making him heavily vulnerable to Ghost (+50%), as well as weak to Light, Dark, and Poison (all +25%). A Mage is recommended to choose Fire or Water. The minions that Axrahn will spawn are a mix of Neutral, Dark and Earth elements, making Fire a good candidate against multiple types.

In NM, the difference to the fight is that the lizard will assist you in battle as a healer. In HM, the lizard is controlled by the exiles, playing a crucial part in the fight's gimmicks. After passing the summoning phase in the beginning, the lizard will knock over the box of crystals, scattering them across the ground. The lizard will attempt to bury any crystals left in the ground. Damage dealers must find these crystals scattered across the ground as quickly as possible, pick them up, and only drop them to the lizard when the time is right.

Name Frostflower Lizard
Level 38
Classification Brute
Element Water 2
Health 185,000
Resistances Immune to silence and charm. Resistant to stun, freeze, and sleep.

The main abilities that Axrahn will use are:

  • Swipe: Attacks all targets in front of Axrahn. Do not stand in front of him.
  • Charge: Axrahn has three versions of this skill, one at level 8, level 10 and level 12. It is unclear if he really uses this skill during the fight, aside from catching up to the player that has his attention, or attempting to stop the lizard from touching the box of crystals.
  • Bladedance: Randomly targets a player, causing them to receive a debuff that makes them take 200% more damage from attacks.
  • Pounce: Axrahn chooses a target to leap onto, causing damage enough to one-hit KO a player. The attack is less effective when multiple players are stacking on top of each other.
    • If a player already afflicted with the debuff from Bladedance stacks with the group to split the damage from Pounce, it will almost always result in a one-hit KO for that player. If the player becomes the target of Pounce, and also has the debuff from Bladedance, they'll cause the entire group to take 200% more damage from the Pounce as well.
  • Mighty Roar: Causes icicles to fall down around the map on the player's positions, dealing moderate or major damage if successful.
  • Dagger Toss: Randomly targets a player, dealing a large amount of damage to them. If the target of the attack is the player with the debuff from Bladedance, it'll result in a one-hit KO. Can be interrupted.
  • Potion: Only used at the end of the summoning phase to restore Axrahn's health to full. Cannot be interrupted.


The fight against Axrahn consists of two phases: a summoning phase for the first half of the battle, and a general phase that occurs during the second half.

Phase 1 (Summons)

In the center-left of the exile camp where Axrahn is, the tank should keep Axrahn facing to the left, while the healer and damage dealers are on the right, directly behind him. The tank should take care of interrupting Dagger Toss. The damage dealers should not focus on Axrahn, and instead wait for him to call in reinforcements that will swarm both sides.

The reinforcements are made up of Exile Spellflingers (dark priest that can deal high damage with Dark Bolt), Exile Earthmenders (healer that can use Sleep Powder) and Exile Crystalpryers (dps warrior that can interrupt spellcasters). The damage dealers should pull one or two exiles at a time from the right side, and work on defeating them as quickly as possible (using AoE skills is recommended). Similarly, if the tank has enough dps, they can begin pulling one or two exiles from the left side to take care of them, but gradually they'll come on their own instead of waiting there.

You have less than 2 minutes to take care of all of the exile reinforcements (attacking Axrahn is pointless during this phase, as the second phase heals him back to full health). Do not pull many of the exiles at once, or else they will overwhelm the group (recommended that the damage dealers stay close to Axrahn during the summoning phase so they don't pull all of the exiles on the right side). After two minutes have passed or all exile reinforcements have been defeated, the battle will transition over to the general phase.

Phase 2 (General)

In the general phase, Axrahn will first do two things: heal himself back to full health using a potion, and call a random off-screen Exile Spellflinger to fetch the Frostflower Lizard in order to assist him in battle (whereas in NM, the lizard appears during this time to aid you). Continue using the same set-up in the previous phase. As soon as the lizard and the exile spellflinger appears, immediately deal with the spellflinger (ignore attacking the lizard, as it has a lot of health and can heal over time).

Axrahn will pounce at the lizard and knock over the box of crystals, causing the lizard to be distracted and bury the first one that's closest to it. The damage dealers should immediately search for the other crystals while the lizard is preoccupied and pick them up. Carrying a crystal doubles the amount of damage you deal, but significantly reduces your healing power (which is why healers shouldn't pick them up).

After picking the crystals up, the lizard will constantly build stacks of Rising Anger over time, massively increasing it's attack power.

Aaren Trueaim (Mini-boss)

Stewie Sizzlepaw (Optional)


Myrthe Grimclaw & Kale Ironstrike


Elder Patrizya



  • The bind time to this dungeon is 1 day and 20 hours (44 hours).
  • The dungeon level scale range is between 34 to 39 (34 lowest, 35 lower, 36 low). Completing a dungeon at it's low level gives you a single additional chest, while lower gives an additional chest for each member of your group, and lowest gives an additional chest that is rolled for.