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Threatens all nearby monsters with a menacing growl, lowering their attack and drawing their attention to you. Use to keep a group of monsters from attacking your friends.

Required Class Warrior
Skill Branch Combat
Available at Level 4
Prerequisites Taunt Lv. 1
Range 4 meters
Cooldown 5 seconds

Skill Usage

For tanking Warriors, Growl is used to direct a group of monster's attention towards you. In addition, you cause them to lose up to 5% of their attack when they are hit with a Growl. It consumes 25 Fury upon use.

Naturally, if there are multiple monsters targeting the rest of your group instead of you, you should use Growl to drag their attention towards you. However if your group is caught between two nearby monster groups, then your damage dealer should be responsible for pulling one of the groups, while the tank should use Growl to take away the group's attention to make them focus on the tank.
