Player tag

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A player tag is the box that is displayed when your mouse hovers on any player, pet, NPC or monster. The box disappears once the cursor is no longer on the character. The box for a player (in order) is typically displayed as:

Alchemist Stripetail
Level 35 Warrior (Player) <> <> <>

  • The title you currently have + followed by your character's name (i.e. Alchemist Stripetail), or in reverse for some titles (i.e. Stripetail the Patient).
  • Your guild affiliation (i.e. <<LAAAAAAG>>), unless you are not currently in a guild (in this case, there is no line created, thus the box is shorter).
  • Your level, followed by your class + (Player). An example of this would be Level 35 Warrior (Player). The gems to the right of this line displays how many guardian stones you've obtained so far.