Revision as of 05:05, 1 September 2018 by Localguest (talk | contribs)
If necessary, you can ignore players. This will prevent them from contacting you, sending you trade requests, guild or group invites. To ignore someone, do one of the following:
- Click their name in the chatbox, and select "Ignore Player", or
- Right click their character and select "Ignore", or
- Type "/ignore " followed by their name.
If that person tries to send you a whisper or request after you ignored them, they will receive a message stating "X is ignoring you.". You can also report players, and should do so if they are causing troubles.
- Ignores will affect all characters on both of your accounts: if you ignore someone on a character, they cannot contact you while you are on another character either.
- You can ignore staff members, but it will have no effect. Staff members need to be able to contact you. They also cannot tell that you ignored them. For a more effective solution, you can report staff members.
- If someone bypasses an ignore by switching to another account, report it! This is considered harassment and will be dealt with accordingly.
- Ignoring someone removes you from their friends lists (and them from yours).
- To unignore someone, click on "Game", "Ignore", select their name and click "Remove".