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Taunts the target into attacking you for five seconds.

Required Class Warrior
Skill Branch Defense
Available at Level 3
Prerequisites Toughness Lv. 1
Range 1 meter
Cooldown 8 seconds

Skill Usage

For tanking Warriors, Taunt is used to forcefully pull a single target and draw it's attention to you for five seconds. This causes them to initiate combat with you (if you haven't done so already). It consumes 15 Fury upon use.

This is used to prevent bosses and important targets from targeting your damage dealers or healer within your group, if your other skills such as Shattering Strike or Growl fail to catch their attention. Any other member of your group should not be the one to pull the boss, rather only the tank of the group. The only exception to this is if that individual monster is far away, therefore you need a ranged damage dealer to pull them closer for you before taunting it.


  • While Taunt may be able to forcefully pull the monster's attention away, shortly afterwards if you don't have enough hate against the target, then they will leave you to attack that group member.
  • Charm of Provoke causes the provoked target to deal 5% more damage against you, but suffer a 3% loss in their armor. In addition, you gain additional fury on your melee swings against them.

Combat BiteImproved BiteFocused StrikeSlashSwipeNatural FighterAdrenaline RushThrashBattle CryOverpowerPounce
Defense ToughnessChargeBashSmiteTauntShattering StrikeGrowlBurning DeterminationSpell ReflectUnyielding RageEnduranceDivine PleaDeflect
Others Battle StanceDefensive Stance