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Adept in the art of physical combat, brave feral Warriors excel in offensive and defensive tactics. Their rigorous training, and fierce dedication to protecting their cause have given them strength and tenacity not found anywhere else. With strength of both heart and body, warriors fight to protect what they believe in, and stand up for their trusted allies.

While sharing the spotlight of being a physical damage class along Hunters, Warriors specialize in non-elemental close-ranged fighting. The class' unique resource of Fury let's them charge up with melee strikes before comboing with advanced attacks. Such skills revolve around immobilizing running opponents then unleashing full-on brute force. As such, the effective Warrior has the highest physical strength stat of any other class.

Through utilization of armor and skills, warriors may choose to fight offensively or defensively. At their core, offensive Warriors focus on damage dealing yet sacrifice health, whereas defensive warriors focus on defending and withstanding damage, but lose out on damage. Yet, a strategical warrior will utilize both offensive & defensive skills and armor to adapt to optimize their efficiency within a party. Rarely will you see a successful warrior with skills from only one of the two paths.

Combative Tactics

Offensive warriors spend most their points into the combat skill trees, yet often keep the defensive skills Smite, Bash, and Charge as well.

Primary Skills

Passive Buffs

  • Adrenaline Rush
    • Gives you fury, at the cost of slightly reduced defense. This is a great skill especially at the beginning of a battle, where you do not have any fury (and thus cannot use most of your abilities). Even within battles, Adrenaline Rush can push you just over the fury cost of an important spell that you need to use right now - such as Smite (to interrupt some spell of doom a boss costs), or Thrash (for extra burst damage).
  • Natural Fighter
    • This ability gives you the "Grace" buff every time you land a critical hit. Since Grace halves the fury cost of your next ability, it is best used on expensive, high-damage abilities such as Thrash.

Active Buffs

Defensive Techniques

Defensive warriors spend most of their skill points into the defensive skill tree, yet often have the offensive Bite (due to Improved Bite) in addition to Auto-Attack.

Stamina, Armor, Agility and Strength (with some Dexterity) are good stats for defensive warriors. Stamina increases the amount of health they have, allowing them to withstand damage. Armor reduces the amount of damage you take from physical attacks (but not magic spells). Agility increases how often they dodge attacks, and reduces the chance that they will be critically hit - which in essence causes them to lose health less quickly. All the secondary stats (such as Agility and Armor) are just as important as having a lot of health - having 5 000 health points does not help if the warrior loses health faster than a priest can heal.

Strength lets you deal some damage yourself, which is helps keeping the monsters' attention. Dexterity ensures your own attack connect, which is important as the interrupt spells (Smite and Bash) can miss just like any other physical attack, and have no effect.

Primary Skills

Passive Buffs

  • Toughness
    • Toughness increases your health, letting you survive bigger hits. Even though health is not everything, having a large health pool gives your healer a bit more time if they're in a tight spot (such as multiple group members being low on health). In addition, it decreases the chance that you will be critically hit - which is important especially in dungeons, when bosses deal a substantial amount of damage. Since critical hits pierce armor and quickly drain your health, building some resistance against them (with Toughness and Agility) is very important.
  • Improved Bite
    • Improved Bite is very helpful to tanks - not only does it help keeping the monsters focused on you, it also heals slightly every time you use bite. This makes it easier for your healer to heal you - especially when you time your bites so that they recover your health after you just took a big chunk of damage.

Active Buffs

Additional Notes

  • Pairing warriors along with priests are important to overcoming many of the more challenging dungeons: the warrior makes sure that the bulk of all monsters' damage is focused on them, while the priest uses healing spells to keep everyone alive.